F1 and FIA back Hamilton after Piquet’s racially offensive comments



A clip from a Brazilian podcast, recorded in November of last year, that discusses the collision between Hamilton and Max Verstappen in the the 2021 British Grand Prix includes Piquet using a racially-derogatory term when referencing the Briton.
“Discriminatory or racist language is unacceptable in any form and has no part in society,” a Formula 1 statement read. “Lewis is an incredible ambassador for our sport and deserves respect. His tireless efforts to increase diversity and inclusion are a lesson to many and something we are committed to at F1.”

The FIA later followed F1’s lead with its own statement, condemning such comments without naming Piquet specifically.

“The FIA strongly condemns any racist or discriminatory language and behavior, which have no place in sport or wider society,” the FIA statement read. “We express our solidarity with Lewis Hamilton and fully support his commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in motor sport.”

Neither F1 nor the governing body offered any further information as to whether there will be action taken against Piquet as a result.

“We condemn in the strongest terms any use of racist or discriminatory language of any kind,” the Mercedes statement read.

“Lewis has spearheaded our sport’s efforts to combat racism, as he is a true champion of diversity on and off track.

“Together, we share a vision for a diverse and inclusive motorsport, and this incident underlines the fundamental importance of continue to strive for a brighter future.”

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