Trackhouse rides wave from Chastain’s ‘Shot Heard ’Round the World’


 Trackhouse Racing is riding the adrenaline rush from Ross Chastain’s improbable ride along the wall at Martinsville Speedway right into Sunday’s championship fight.

“How spectacular that was, and just the optics of the commitment that he made is an example of what I’ve been preaching to this company all year long,” team founder Justin Marks said Tuesday. “It’s ‘Let’s think out of the box. Let’s do things differently. Let’s fully commit and full send in whatever it is that we do at this company.’

“So, I agree that getting in that way definitely has a positive impact in this shop because there is not a person in this building that wouldn’t do anything Ross Chastain asked them to do right now. Everybody is so fired up that that kid made that kind of commitment that made that kind of move and carried the company on his shoulders in that moment to get us in. It’s incredibly empowering.”

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